Proactive Monitoring for the Dynamic Data Center

Proactive Monitoring for the Dynamic Data Center

Enhanced collaboration, scalability and the low costs of IT infrastructure maintenance have proven godsends for organizations switching to cloud deployments. It’s not surprising, then, that spending on public and private cloud infrastructure equipment increased significantly (21 percent) in 2015. It is troubling, however, that as a result, more strain is being placed on data center operators to maintain optimal facility conditions in order to protect increasing infrastructure investments. Fortunately, there’s a monitoring solution for every environmental problem in the data center.

Environmental Problems

As servers are added or removed, changes in temperature and humidity can cause hot spots damaging critical equipment. Facility security is entirely in the hands of the cloud provider.An environmental failure can result in heavy losses, collectively up to $700 Billion per year.

Monitoring Solutions

  • Local and remote power monitoring ensures that energy consumption is balanced facility-wide.
  • Strategically placed sensors notify staff the second temperature or humidity thresholds are exceeded.
  • Dry contact sensors trip alerts when specfic doors are opened; live video feeds show it all.
  • The real-time vigil of robust environmental monitoring reduces the chances of downtime

Like any opportunity, cloud computing is not without its pitfalls. But with comprehensive data center monitoring in place, facility operators can more eectively rein in risks as they boost return on investment.
