Color Coded PDUs - Power-Feed Identification Made Easy

Color Coded PDUs - Power-Feed Identification Made Easy

Data center power distribution can feel like the New York City subway. So many different lines. What goes where? Getting on the wrong train might get you lost, but improper wire placement leads to unbalanced loads and possibly even surges that can cause costly outages or damage equipment.

A Power Struggle

More engergy is being consumed. It is estimated that American businesses will pay $13 Billion to power data centers in 2020. Three-phase brand circuits are increasingly being used to transfer twice the power to cabinets with fewer wires. Even a minor power connection error may result in unbalanced loads, leading to downtime that can cost up to $7,900 per minute. The only way to ensure proportional, risk-free electricity delivery at such high densities is with faultless power distrubtion.

A Colorful Solution: Upgradeable PDUs

Easily Identify A/B Input

With color coded power strips, operaters can easily ensure that newly installed PDUs connect to the correct supply feed.

Tell Phases Apart at the Circuit Level

Where single-phase PDUs are in use, operators can use color labels to know which phase each PDU is powered by, simplifying facility-wide load balancing.

Know Which Receptacle is Which

Color-coded, locking receptacles subdivide the individual outlets according to their sub-circuits, providing in-depth organization of power infrastructure.

Achieve Impeccable Power Distribution

With panoramic and granular identification of PDUs and outlets, operators cover the full spectrum of the possible power distribution pitfalls, and the rainbow, at the same time.

Color-coded power-feed identification provides a simple solution to a complex problem. Don't get your wires crossed any longer.



